There is a positive correlation between the educational level and the economic well-being of U.S. citizens. It can be formal, informal, or "on-the-job training" skills.
Seattle, Burien, and other suburbs prosper from the continued expansion of manufacturing with Boeing, PACCAR, etc. Prosperity came from entrepreneurship and innovation.
As the Greek Philosopher Heraclitus noted, “Nothing endures but change.” Burien is in a constant state of flux. What questions do we need to consider?
The homeless problem is an addiction problem. The usual remedy of lots of money and housing alone has failed Seattle, Burien, and everywhere else.
Just because services offered are not what homeless people want, does not mean that help has not been offered. Some advocates claim, "Burien is doing nothing..." Not so.
Demographic change is one of the many factors to consider before voting in the August 6 primary or in the November general.
If Highline schools are performing poorly, then clearly this is a problem worth solving--- and soon. | Burien News | Educational Opinion
"We are seeing the chess moves that Dow Constantine is making to push down Burien city officials..." - D. SimsThe following letter was submitted by Dan Sims, ve...
Re: Discussion on the Ballot Initiative to Increase Burien Property Tax (Council Meeting Agenda Item on May 6, 2024) Please Vote NO.This letter was submitted ...
Local resident highlights positive aspects of Burien, despite the current challenges.The following testimony was read during public comment on April 29, 2024 an...
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