[videopress 4fXuZ6tl]by Martin Barrett. Tents are back in front of the Burien library, thanks to King County Sheriff's order not to enforce the same type of law they carry out in SeaTac — the same law Bellevue has had on the books for over a year.Since KC Executive Dow Constantine lives in West Seattle and the county is experiencing an exploding homeless crisis, Burien-News.com thought it would be interesting to see how Dow's library was coping.The first thing a visitor observes at Dow's library is the lush green lawn below the stunning and ancient trees. It is truly a peaceful park-like setting. Appreciating this glorious and flourishing landscape requires no effort because there are no tents. Nor is there anyone squatting on it with bags piled into stolen shopping carts.[caption id="attachment_15902" align="aligncenter" width="591"]
West Seattle Library.[/caption][caption id="attachment_15900" align="aligncenter" width="586"]
Burien Library.[/caption]While I watched, several elderly women strolled up, talking, laughing, and slowly entering Dow's library. Another couple walked up arm in arm. There was no apparent concern, no hurry to get past the tents of vagrants. It was all safe. Dow's West Seattle Library was built in 1902 with Dale Carnegie funds and is immaculate. Beautiful craftsman-era reading chairs were set in an inviting arrangement. Inside, it was lovely. Everything was clean. No large plastic bags, camping backpacks, or suitcases were on or beside the chairs. There were no patrons sleeping in the chairs or slumped over in a drug-induced coma. [caption id="attachment_15898" align="aligncenter" width="654"]
West Seattle Library.[/caption][caption id="attachment_15899" align="aligncenter" width="591"]
Burien Library.[/caption]But best of all were the bathrooms. They were spit-spot, squeaky clean. No mom or dad would have trouble taking their kids to these restrooms. To access these locked restrooms, a guest needed a key from the front desk. If someone lingered in the restroom for more than 10 minutes, a staff person was sent to check on their welfare.[caption id="attachment_15903" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
West Seattle Library.[/caption]No one in Dow's bathroom was eating cereal or shooting up drugs, nor was there drug paraphernalia on the counters or floor. There was no one backed up to the hand dryer, pants down, drying their butt. Clearly, in Dow's library, they believe their restrooms should be used only for their intended purpose.What is good for Dow and his West Seattle neighbors is apparently too good for the people of Burien. The contrast could not be starker.(video and images courtesy of Martin Barrett)