by David GouldLast week, I had an interesting and enlightening tour from the Marketspace Manager, Mitchell Allen, of the Burien Makerspace at their "monthly open house for 'curious' people." (The next Open House is May 23rd from 4-8pm.)[caption id="attachment_16404" align="aligncenter" width="482"]
Makerspace ([/caption]From their Website ( “a makerspace is a collaborative workshop where people gather to create, invent, and learn. Equipped with various tools, from 3D printers to woodworking machinery, makerspaces provide a place for individuals to explore their creativity, develop skills, and bring their ideas to life. It’s a hub for innovation and hands-on experimentation, fostering a community of makers who share their knowledge and inspire each other’s projects.”[caption id="attachment_17024" align="aligncenter" width="404"]
Makerspace - 3D Printer (image[/caption]Space is available for classes; for people to explore and use technologies to turn theirideas into reality; to collaborate with like-minded people to learn, teach, and share ideasand passion, as well as many other options. Some recently created objects and toolsare provided below as examples of what can be done.[caption id="attachment_17028" align="aligncenter" width="520"]
Makerspace Painting Classes (image[/caption]There is a wide variety of tools / technologies for people to use such as drill presses,power tools, CAD/CAM software and hardware, desktop computers, open-sourcetemplates to create standard or custom designed objects, 3D printers, watercolor paintand brushes, and many others along with help to use them safely and creatively.Creating your own podcasts is an emerging Makerspace option. More options arecoming soon.[caption id="attachment_17026" align="aligncenter" width="405"]
Makerspace - Plasma Cutter (image[/caption]The world today is changing rapidly. Think 3D printing, artificial intelligence, new andinnovative construction techniques, electronic vehicles, and robotics as a small sampleof changes. The Burien Makerspace, along with school, is a good place to begin or tostay on the journey of learning, discovery, and problem solving.
[caption id="attachment_17027" align="aligncenter" width="471"]
Makerspace Entrance (image[/caption]