by Burien-News Staff Writer.Burien City Council met June 3rd at 6:00 pm for an Executive Session to discuss potential litigation and legal risks. The Regular meeting began at 7:00 pm. [Regular Agenda Link]ROLL: All present (CM Matta virtual)PROCLAMATIONS
PRESENTATIONLiz Stead, Community Development Director presented the Comprehensive Plan Update to the Council. Burien 2044 (20 year Plan):
Regional Commitments:
Zoning Code Deadlines (Land Management):
PC Upcoming Schedule:
Both CM Akey and CM Moore asked clarifying questions. COUNCIL REPORTSCM Andrade listed Burien Pride Festival events planned for June 7-9 in Burien Town Square:
CM Akey attended the Highline Forum which included the intro of the Port of Seattle’s Part 150 Noise reduction info sessions. There will be upcoming public comments (SAMP) website.CM Akey has also been researching and visiting local treatment/recovery facilities. She gave a comprehensive report of the many local options for treatment and recovery from alcohol, drugs and mental health management:
Both CMs Akey and Andrade attended the successful 5 year Highline Heritage Museum event. CM Sarah Moore mentioned the Port of Seattle Part 150 Noise and Land Use Study has a total of three meetings available this week.CITY MANAGER'S REPORT (Adolfo Bailon)
PUBLIC COMMENTFifteen (15) people testified. Many speakers commented on LGBTQ and Transitional Housing Zoning. Four people supported more restrictive zoning language be included in Ordinance 835. Six people suggested relaxed zoning to allow for more transitional housing, including at the City Light property by Kennedy Catholic HS.Jon Grant from LIHI who is trying to get Burien to accept a contract with LIHI, urged the council to adopt NO ZONING RESTRICTIONS and to approve the City Light property for a Tiny Home Village (THV). He cited LIHI’s strict code of conduct, management and a THV near Henderson School.At least three of the speakers chided the council for not being supportive enough to the LGBTQ community, especially regarding our “houseless neighbors.” Regarding LGBTQ… Abigail Wilson Briggs closed her comments with, “Not gay as in happy, but Queer as in F*** You!” Former councilmember Stephen Lamphear was still livid about never being asked to “raise the LGBTQ flag” in Burien, so he planned to boycott Pridefest. He was also upset that Discover Burien “swept gay people off the main streets.”Disabled and in his wheelchair, Quinton Thompson advocated for safer access to transportation in Burien. Specialty ADA buses are vandalized, disabled people cannot navigate sidewalks that have homeless tents, etc. (ADA frustrations were also mentioned by Dr. Edgar.)Local landlord Greg Anderson cited unfairness created by Ordinance 840 which punishes landlords with $6,000 late fees, while tenant late fees are limited to $10. Upset that licenses are now required for landlords.Past Mayor Sally Nelson praised DESC-Bloomside and its mural. Pushed council to affirm the City Light property for a Tiny Home Village. “Stop playing the fear card.”CONSENT AGENDAThe Consent Agenda included the following items and passed unanimously.
BUSINESS AGENDAThe first item of business was the Introduction to Resolution No. 510, Adopting the 2025-2030, Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), presented by Glenn Akramoff, Interim Deputy Public Works Director.There were no significant changes proposed to TIP from the previous program, so there was little discussion. CONCLUSION: Unanimously added to the June 10 Consent Agenda.NOTE: On June 10, there will be a Public Hearing on this TIP Resolution before the council votes on the measure (which is currently in the Consent Agenda).______________The second item of business was Introduction to Resolution No. 511, City Council Regular Meeting Time of Commencement by Adolfo Bailon, City Manager.The original plan was to move the meeting start time from 7pm to 6pm, and it was motioned by CM Akey. However, Deputy Mayor Stephanie Mora motioned for a modification that would start the meeting at 5:30pm. It was seconded and approved. Discussion followed.CM Sarah Moore posited that an early start time was inconvenient for many, including herself, and while she was willing and able to adjust her personal schedule, this may set a standard that would prevent “diverse” candidates from running for council in the future.CM Jimmy Matta countered with his own view on a “diverse-friendly” council meeting start time. He is Hispanic and runs his own business which starts very early in the morning, and many people of color that he knows ALSO start work early in the day. CONCLUSION: Council voted to place the amendment in the June 10 Consent Agenda in a 4-3 vote: (Yeah: Andrade, Akey, Mora, Matta) (Nay: Moore, Garcia, Schilling.) NOTE: If this resolution passes on June 10, the council meeting start time will change to 5:30pm on July 15th.______________The third item of business was a Discussion of Ordinance No. 835, Transitional Housing as an Interim Use Adolfo Bailon, City Manager Liz Stead, Community Development Director.CM Akey presented her concerns about the ordinance as it is currently proposed:
She asked if the Burien staff and legal council would be able to review and make revision suggestions that would comply with the law AND include currently approved projects. Council further discussed possible zoning restrictions, including near libraries (CM Garcia); acreage (CM Moore); project size limits (CM Akey); spread out and not congregate projects; 800 feet from schools/daycares (DM Mora).CONCLUSION: Council unanimously requested and City Manager Bailon agreed to have the city staff review and “bring back recommendations” at a future meeting.ADJOURNED 9:05pm