by Katie Kresly. Tonight, the Burien City Council will be discussing and possibly taking action on "Transitional Housing as an Interim Use" (Agenda Bill - Pdf.)Here is the Summary:Discussion of Ordinance No. 835, Transitional Housing as an Interim Use
The Burien has drafted Ordinance 835 to provide more housing, specifically transitional housing, in Burien and to comply with the letter and spirit of RCW 35.21.683. During a prior council meeting discussion of Ord. 835, questions were raised concerning the council's ability to impose occupancy and distance limitations.
RCW 35.21.683 does not allow cities to prohibit transitional housing "in any zones in which residential dwelling units or hotels are allowed." However, RCW 35.21.683 permits "Reasonable occupancy, spacing, and intensity of use requirements" for transitional housing to protect public health and safety. Such limitations "may not prevent the siting of a sufficient number of "transitional housing necessary to accommodate Burien's anticipated need for transitional housing under its comprehensive plan.
Additionally, a view of census tract information revealed that using census tracts to determine siting would prohibit the siting of transitional housing in areas zoned for residential dwelling units.
Areas of council discussion were and may continue to be in Section 1, paragraph 2 (regarding lot size or some other descriptor); paragraph 4 (maximum capacity); and paragraph 5, subsection D (spacing limitations for public safety.
Agenda Bill focuses on Housing First Model:The Agenda Bill gives several references to explain the increased homelessness in the region, the state of Washington and the country, but it is heavily focused on economic reasons behind homelessness.
WHEREAS, in 2020, economic growth is the leading cause of homelessness. See (Homelessness in Seattle and surrounds: Why does King County face a crisis? | McKinsey)
It also quotes The Seattle Times, (Regional Affordable Housing Dashboard - King County, Washington); and the YMCA (Why is Housing So Expensive in the Puget Sound? | YWCA (, the Agenda Bill downplays the reality of drug addiction in keeping people homeless. In fact, it quotes two University of Washington professors to show that lack of affordable housing is the "driving force..."
WHEREAS, the same April 17, 2024, Seattle Times article mentioned above added, “A dearth of affordable housing remains the driving force behind people becoming homeless, not drug use,” according to University of Washington professors Gregg Colburn and Clayton Aldern;”
Burien City Council members will continue to discuss Ordinance No. 835 at tonight's 7pm meeting.