Part Three in a Series on Burien.
Mr. Glumaz is former US Congressional candidate, who has been analyzing governmental systems for over four decades. As a former Marxist and former committed atheist, he brings a unique perspective to societal and governmental structures. His primary concern is Washington State and King County, and he has recently become acutely aware of the unique oppression that Burien, a small business centered community, has been experiencing. The recent lawsuits by the KC Sheriff, homeless and homeless advocates, and the "Raise the Wage Burien" initiative, have caused him to question, "Why Burien?"
by Paul Glumaz
The drugs, crime, and the homeless invasion of cities like Burien makes no sense. How is this allowed when the solutions are obvious? Anti-camping ordinances, treatment in jail for addicts breaking the drug laws, or treatment in high drug barrier shelters, with a focus on rehabilitation and reintegration, are critical steps in solving this crisis.
Instead, addicts who generate crime to pay for their drug addiction receive free needles. It is well documented that drug addicts cause 85% of all crimes, so why are they provided with drug paraphernalia under the guise of "harm reduction?"
It is because King County, its elected representatives, its prosecutors, and its judges have been promoted financially to subscribe to the view that drug consumption is a matter of protected personal choice. This perverse concept of "freedom" divorces the welfare of the individual from the welfare of society. No individual is self-created. Society must expend incredible love and resources to develop each individual in our society so that society can continue to exist. No such individual has the right to destroy themselves.
Even worse, drug addiction is justified by the institutions of King County that claim drug addicts are victims of oppression and need drugs to help them cope with the trauma of their oppression. Rather, the reality is that drug trafficking and drug addiction are the means by which nations can be conquered.
This perverse notion of "freedom" is in the vision promoted by the World Economic Forum. It is shared by many elite billionaires like George Soros who promote a world without borders, where there are no nations, and where everything is permitted. This is a world of "winners and losers," where there is nothing to exist for other than personal greed, excitement, and pleasure. It is a world where all the bonds of family, community, and nation become dissolved into a form of peonage of just trying to survive day to day.
Nothing dissolves bonds in the community more than someone becoming a drug addict. If this situation is going to change, we must begin to organize resistance to these corrupted views and policies coming from King County.
(image from the King County homeless encampment on 7/19/24)