by Ruth Storkel.May... the month of Mother's Day, Memorial Day, the "strolling through the park" month, and there's a host of other things to celebrate![caption id="attachment_16766" align="aligncenter" width="732"]
Month of May ([/caption]"Such as what?" you ask. On May 1 alone, we have "May Day," "National Mother Goose Day," "Law Day," "World Laughter Day," and "National Lemonade Day." Chances are, if you need something to celebrate, you'll find something to your liking in the month of May.
Many days in May celebrate the "joys of food."There's National Orange Juice Day, National Empanada Day, Coconut Cream Pie Day, National Apple Pie Day, National Hummus Day, Chocolate Chip Day, and International Pickle Day—and the list goes on and on![caption id="attachment_16767" align="aligncenter" width="749"]
Apple Pie Month ([/caption]We plan to mention a few special days throughout the month of May; some we will totally ignore (i.e., Paper Clip Day) , but several we will highlight with much enjoyment.
Today, we start with May 1st, "World Laughter Day," and we encourage you to laugh! And help others laugh, too! Get out a couple of your old jokes, polish and dust them off, and tell them to someone... your neighbor, your grandkids (chances are they won't "get it" at first), your spouse (of course they will say, "I've already heard that one a million times, dear!") It's healthy and good to laugh...didn't the "wise man" say "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine"?
"A laugh is a smile that lost control." I can completely relate to this one! In 2nd grade my school was presenting a Christmas program to a group of adults. Our teacher had told us to smile as we stood on stage. I remembered her instructions, so as I looked down and smiled at those adults, they were all smiling back at me. I totally "lost it." I started laughing and laughing, much to my teacher's dismay. I could not recite my poem and later got a severe scolding from the teacher. In certain situations, smiles can be dangerous! Another piece of advice is, "Laughing with a friend is the BEST kind of laughing there is." I find that especially true with my good friend Rosie, whom I have known for over 68 years. We always had a good time laughing, even way back in first grade. Now, we don't see one another often, but when we do get together, we talk and talk, and laugh and laugh and laugh! There are so many things to laugh about, so many things to be happy about, and so many things to enjoy in life. Having a friend to laugh with is one of life's greatest blessings.
Here's one of my all-time favorite jokes to wind this up:
A 4-engine passenger plane departed from New York, on its way to London.
One hour into the flight, the pilot announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, one of our engines has just failed, but don't worry. We will still be able to continue on to London. Unfortunately, we will arrive one hour late."
About half an hour later, the pilot made another announcement: "Ladies and gentlemen, a second engine has experienced failure. We will now arrive in London two hours behind schedule."
A short time later, there was yet a 3rd announcement from the pilot: "Ladies and gentlemen, we are sorry to inform you that another engine has quit working, so we will arrive in London 3 hours late."
About that time, a very upset, irate passenger let loose and shouted, "For crying out loud! If we lose any more engines, we'll be up here ALL NIGHT!"