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At every School Board Meeting, each Director has the opportunity to give a report. Listening to their statements is a great way to find out what each Director values. They also share updates and announcements on a broad range of school events and activities.
Here is a breakdown of the highlights from their reports at the August 21, 2024 meeting.
Director Petrini
A New Marine Construction Program is launching at Maritime High School, which will provide hands-on shipyard training and a shipyard welding certificate.
She has a goal of "regular community engagement."
September is National Literacy Month, so Director Petrini is planning a “My Favorite Book Event,” open to families, teachers, and community members at the end of September. Participants can share about their favorite books and inspire others. More information is expected at the next board meeting.
Director Tidholm
Innovation Heights and Highline Virtual is moving to the original Beverly Park location due to significant fire damage at the Southern Heights campus. Contractors have been working long hours so that students will be able to attend the new location in September.
Director Tidholm reminded parents to download Parent Square App which is a "school to home" communication tool. It is a great way to see your child’s grades, share photos with teachers, and find all the forms you need to fill out before school.
Director Hagos
Spoke about Community Engagement. According to the “Eight Characteristics of An Effective School Board,” a measure of high-achieving school districts is those that have regular 2-way communication with stakeholders and community members.
She shared about the Townhall Meeting she and Director Petrini hosted in early summer and gave some feedback of what she learned from that experience.
Parkside Elementary Principal Bobbi Giammona and staff were recognized with an award from the Museum of History and Industry.
Visited Highline Summer School sites and appreciated the work around literacy to help improve the academic progress of our students.
OSPI (Office of Superintendent of Instruction) launched a new program for future writers across Washington State calledStudent Stories Program. High School Writers who participate write stories that are then published through OSPI.
Sept 7th is Annual Youth Entrepreneurs Day at the Des Moines Farmers Market. Youth 9-17 years-old are invited to display art and creative projects.
Director Van
Highline's Memorial Field has new synthetic turf. He appreciated the $250,000 grant from NFL Foundation and the Seattle Seahawks for this project.
Thanked school district for supporting the Workforce Discovery Lab. Thirty students toured 15 businesses around the Puget Sound ie... St. Anne’s Hospital, Museum of Flight, Coca Cola. This gave students opportunities to explore other post-high school options besides college.
Director Alvarez
Announced that the Sylvester Middle School Track synthetic turf has been installed. A soccer mini-pitch has been added by the Rave Foundation and Seattle Sounders Partners. This was a project delivered by 2022 school bond. The opening event for the track will be Sept. 6th.
The next School Board Meeting is September 4, at 6:00 PM