This testimonial was presented by Kennedy parent Wendy Butzerin to the Burien City Council on June 3, 2024.[NOTE FROM EDITOR: Letters to the Editor do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Burien-News or Daniel Media. If you wish to submit a story, photo, article or letter, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.]
Good Evening Council Members,
I’m a Kennedy Mom, and I am speaking about Ordinance No. 835: Transitional Housing as an Interim Use.
For 6 months, the council has considered building a transitional housing development on the lot adjacent to Kennedy High School. In February, the Planning Commission gave rezoning recommendations to the council, not only for the proposed site next to Kennedy but for residential neighborhoods citywide. I appreciate that the Planning Commissioners and the Councilmembers have seriously considered public safety while considering code changes.
Ordinance 835 has some merit, but it still needs work. Thankfully, the 500-foot restriction between schools and transitional housing, combined with the 2-acre lot size limit, likely eliminates the [City Light] site next to Kennedy.
The Planning Commission originally recommended a 1,000-foot buffer between schools and transitional developments, and our Deputy Mayor made a motion to keep that distance. For the safety of children, that 1,000-foot restriction needs to remain.
Last night, an unintentional fire spread in the homeless encampment across from the Burien Courthouse. Do we want a fire near a school?
The Ordinance strongly states that the homeless problem is due to economics, not drug use. On page 4 of the Ordinance draft, it quotes two UW professors who said, “A dearth of affordable housing remains the driving force behind people becoming homeless, not drug use.” They do not, however, acknowledge that people often remain homeless because of drug use.
This sounds like a housing-first approach.
Here in Burien, we have seen evidence that drugs are a huge part of the homeless lifestyle. There have been four deaths due to drug overdose in the last several months. On May 30, Burien detectives made a huge drug bust at the homeless camp. There were over 22,000 fentanyl pills confiscated, along with a list of other drugs.
Providing housing alone will not stop the drug use. There must be a provision for drug treatment in the Ordinance, or Burien will never be able to keep up with the housing demand.