by Ruth Storkel.On Monday, May 27, at 11:00 a.m., a number of local citizens gathered at Sunnydale School on Des Moines Memorial Drive S. in Burien. Des Moines Memorial Drive Preservation Association members provided an inspiring free Memorial Day program for patriotic citizens.[caption id="attachment_18229" align="aligncenter" width="760"]
Memorial Day at Sunnydale School 2024 (photos by Ruth Storkel)[/caption][caption id="attachment_18231" align="aligncenter" width="803"]
Memorial Day at Sunnydale School 2024 (photos by Ruth Storkel)[/caption]What a perfect day to gather outdoors on the front lawn at Sunnydale School! It was warm and sunny; over 3 dozen people gathered and participated in the patriotic ceremony, which included an opening prayer by Paul Ott of "Transform Burien," and our much-loved national anthem was beautifully sung by Kate Bysheim; Burien American Legion Post Color Guard #134 presented the flags. A marvelous, moving song composed by David Harsh was sung as a duet by David and his daughter Madeline (this song was a tribute to the soldiers with graves marked "Unknown Soldier.")[caption id="attachment_18227" align="aligncenter" width="592"]
Memorial Day at Sunnydale School 2024 (photos by Ruth Storkel)[/caption]Harsh told about traveling to France to study music (specifically guitar) when, in the middle of wine country, he suddenly came across a large graveyard of 2,289 Americans from World War I. He walked through through it, seeing name after name, but then came to a number of graves marked "Unknown." Harsh was awed by the respect these soldiers were given in a place so far away from their homeland. This experience inspired him to write a beautiful song about those "unknown soldiers" who never returned back to their loved ones.[caption id="attachment_18228" align="aligncenter" width="624"]
Memorial Day at Sunnydale School 2024 (photos by Ruth Storkel)[/caption]Several excellent speakers shared information about the history of Des Moines Memorial Drive. At this gathering, honor was also given to one recently deceased exemplary veteran: Everett Carter.Everett "Sarge" Carter passed away earlier this year (2024) at the age of 99. He had fought in World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. After leaving the military, Carter eagerly supported his military "family," volunteering 11,500 hours at the USO, the Veteran's Hospital, Tahoma National Cemetery, etc. "He had a passion to serve military members...his kindness and humor endeared him to all of us," said one of the program speakers. [caption id="attachment_18223" align="aligncenter" width="540"]
Memorial Day at Sunnydale School 2024 (photos by Ruth Storkel)[/caption]This Memorial Day meeting provided our community with the opportunity to learn about Burien's early history and the development of Des Moines Memorial Drive. Several of the speakers had done detailed research on specific topics. It was very interesting!In the archives of the 1918 Seattle Times, June 9, a section had been published with suggested driving "tours" for the new automobile owners of the city. It was wartime, but besides putting a robust and solid effort into winning the war, The Times told readers, "We still need to make time for leisure." One of the automobile tours they suggested was a drive from downtown Seattle, going six miles south to the Southpark Bridge, then turning towards Burien, and ending up at Sunnydale School. (Much of our city of Burien was made up of rural, agricultural land and some forested areas at that time.) [caption id="attachment_18225" align="aligncenter" width="656"]
Memorial Day at Sunnydale School 2024 (photos by Ruth Storkel)[/caption]At the close of the celebration meeting, a reception was held in the Museum housed in Sunnydale School. The Museum is available for public use, as well as meetings or classes that promote patriotism and U.S. history, etc. Girl Scouts have visited there at times, and the staff encourages teachers to bring students there on educational field trips. To learn more about the available times, contact: If you missed Burien's Memorial Day celebration this year, plan ahead and come next year! We hope to post the details on Thank you to all the planners who made this event an enjoyable moment of remembrance for us all![caption id="attachment_18224" align="aligncenter" width="588"]
Memorial Day at Sunnydale School 2024 (photos by Ruth Storkel)[/caption][caption id="attachment_18226" align="aligncenter" width="576"]
Memorial Day at Sunnydale School 2024 (photos by Ruth Storkel)[/caption]