[EDITOR’s correction: Catherine Carbone-Rogers from Highline Schools said there is no deadline for parents to opt students out of sexual health classes.]
[The following information is directly from Highline Schools Website:] https://www.highlineschools.org/about/news/news-details/~board/district-news/post/sexual-health-education-in-highline-march-2024In Highline, we teach comprehensive sexual health education in alignment with state law and district policy. FLASH (Family Life and Sexual Health) is our curriculum that meets state requirements for sexual health education, which is taught in grades 4-12. Families may opt out of any or all sexual health lessons. Read on for more details.
FLASH is age-appropriate, teaching content and skills that are developmentally appropriate across grade levels. FLASH was developed in the 1980s and has been updated over time to be medically and factually up to date.FLASH is designed to support young people in making healthy choices, including:
One goal of the FLASH curriculum is to improve communication with families about relationships and sexual health. This includes optional family homework assignments that encourage students to have short, focused conversations with family members to learn about the values and expectations of the important adults in their lives.
No sexual health content is taught in grades K-3. Instead, we focus instruction on life skills to help students understand their feelings, set goals, solve problems and get along with others.
In grades 4-5, students learn about self-esteem, decision-making, friendship, gender roles, consent, bystander skills, reporting sexual abuse, the reproductive system, puberty, pregnancy and HIV/AIDS. Review lesson plans taught in these grade levels on the King County website.
In grades 6-8, students learn about the reproductive system, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, dating, consent, preventing STDs and HIV/AIDS, condoms, and birth control methods. Review lesson plans taught in these grade levels on the King County website.
In grades 9-12, students learn about the reproductive system, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender stereotypes, healthy relationships, coercion and consent, online safety, preventing sexual violence, abstinence, birth control methods, condoms, preventing HIV and STDs, student for HIV and other STDs, communication, and decision making. Review lesson plans taught in these grade levels on the King County website.
State law requires us to give all families at least a 30-day notice before comprehensive sexual health lessons are taught. Families may opt out of any or all sexual health lessons. To opt out, please complete the waiver form linked below and return it to your child's teacher.
[caption id="attachment_18114" align="aligncenter" width="219"]
Highline Sex Education Opt Out Form[/caption]
Below are additional resources to learn more.