On July 5, 2024, supporters of I-2066 "Stop the Gas Ban" initiative delivered 546,002 signatures to give Washington voters a chance to protect their energy freedom. This effort was the latest initiative sponsored by non-partisan group Let's Go Washington whose top funding comes from Brian Heywood, Steve Gordon, and the Building Industry Association of WA (BIAW).
The initiative came as a result of the passage of "House Bill 1589 requested by Puget Sound Energy, [which] insulates the state’s largest monopoly utility company from paying the price for impractical state-mandated carbon-reduction goals by cutting off gas service to their customers," say Washington legislators opposed to the new law.
On the other hand, Gov. Jay Inslee helped push the new legislation through, stating, "this bill creates the roadmap and tools for our state’s largest utility to get out of the fossil fuel business…"
Burien businesses, including RE/MAX All-City and Economy Wiring, helped the effort by collecting petitions from Burien residents eager to spread awareness in their communities.
By BIAW's calculations, the average cost per household to convert from gas to electric would be nearly $40,000.
Initiative I-2066 "Stop the Gas Ban" is not the only initiative to be sponsored by Let's Go Washington in the past year. They have racked up an impressive collection in such a short time. Here is a listing of the initiatives, according to the Let's Go Washington website.
Each of the initiatives affect everyday Washingtonians in many ways:
Let's Go Washington adds, "each of these initiatives were crafted by the people, for the people and give power back to Washingtonians."