by John Bergin.The life of Jesus 2,000 years ago is well known thanks to an unparalleled quantity and quality of written documentation from even the 1st and 2nd centuries.During a three-year public ministry, He taught extensively, and performed many miracles, healing the sick and even raising the dead.His parables, short fiction with a moral lesson, and other teachings, stories, and events are universally known to this day, even by non-believers (The Good Samaritan, The Beatitudes, His birth, His crucifixion, The Prodigal Son, The Pearl of Great Price, just to name a few).Because of His great popularity, the religious leaders of the day felt so threatened that they made numerous attempts to kill Him. After a while, with the help of the Romans, they accomplished their goal, and the most famous and unjust execution in all of history took place.His life had such a significant effect on history that to this day, 20 centuries later, our calendar starts and is counted from His birth. After His death, the record says that He rose from the dead three days later. The tomb was famously found empty. The soldiers that guarded it were paid off to keep it secret. The Bible says that 500 people saw the resurrected Christ. So much for the secret.Easter Sunday is the commemoration of that event, among most or all Christians worldwide of various denominations and sects. And, in fact, Easter Sunday is also a significant event among millions who are not Christians. I find this to be a novel curiosity.Having some fun with eggs and bunnies is not evil, but is a distraction, and even a diversion, a camouflage substitution, of the momentous occasion that is the reason for the day.Jesus Christ rose from the dead and, in so doing, conquered death. In the Bible, Hebrews Chapter 2 verse 15 says He did this to deliver God's children from "the slavery of the fear of death."Also, in the Bible, in 1st Peter Chapter 1 verse 3, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." It is by and through and because of Christ's resurrection that eternal life becomes available. The Bible says in Revelation 21:4 that on that day "He will wipe all the tears from your eyes."Easter is about the eternal hope offered to all of mankind: you, me, your family, everybody!Take the promise.[caption id="attachment_15605" align="aligncenter" width="557"]
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