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Candidate Conversations
Burien.News asked the top four candidates for Governor to speak to our local issues, including Homelessness, Crime, and Education. This is part of a series called “Candidate Conversations.” (See ALL of the Burien.News ELECTION VIDEO INTERVIEWS on our YouTube Channel @BurienNewsVideos)
Three of the candidates responded, Dave Reichert, Mark Mullet, and Semi Bird. However, Bob Ferguson declined.
Today’s videos focus on Education. On July 26, we released videos on Homelessness, and on July 27, we shared the candidates' comments on Crime in Burien. Tomorrow, we plan to release extra commentary from Semi Bird on “Allegations of Stolen Valor,” and Dave Reichert who explains the importance of an “Elected Sheriff vs. Appointed Sheriff.”
Video interviews with Bird, Reichert, and Mullet specifically on the topic of Education in Burien.
This video set is part of a series of interviews, specially focused on Burien issues this election season.
Most interviews will be released between July 18 - 31, in advance of the primary election on August 6, 2024.
We invited all leading candidates in the Washington State races, including Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Public Lands Commissioner, and Insurance Commissioner.
We are grateful to candidates for their time as we share these interviews with Burien voters.
Visit our YouTube Channel to see all posted interviews @BurienNewsVideos